November 30, 2016
The 43rd Symposium on Transformation Groups was successfully completed. We would like to thank all speakers and participants!
Photo1A Photo2A Photo3A Photo413:30-14:20 | Seonjeong Park (OCAMI) Cohomological rigidity of 6-dimensional quasitoric manifolds, [slide] |
14:35-15:25 | Tatsuya Horiguchi (OCAMI) Hessenberg varieties and hyperplane arrangements |
15:40-16:30 | Takao Satoh (Tokyo University of Science) On the cohomology groups of the IA-automorphism groups of free groups of rank three |
9:40-10:30 | Kathryn Lesh (Union College) Tits buildings and fixed points of decomposition spaces |
10:50-11:40 | Alastair Darby (Fudan University) Algebraic PL-Invariants, [slide] |
13:30-14:20 | Hiraku Nozawa (Ritsumeikan University) Topology of Sasakian manifolds and torus actions |
14:40-15:30 | Jongbaek Song (KAIST) Weighted Stanley-Reisner ring and the Equivariant cohomology ring of a singular toric variety, [slide] |
15:50-16:40 | Ivan Limonchenko (Fudan University) On topology of toric spaces arising from 2-truncated cubes, [slide] |
17:00-17:50 | Yasuhiko Kitada (Yokohama National University) and Maki Nagura (Yokohama National University) First Pontrjagin classes of manifolds homotopy equivalent to CP(2k) |
9:40-10:30 | Norihiko Minami (Nagoya Institute of Technology) On the Morel-Voevodsky $K$-theory Representablity Theorem |
10:50-11:40 | Takuo Matsuoka (The University of Tokyo) Higher coherence and higher theories of algebraic structures [slide] |
13:30-14:20 | Masaharu Morimoto (Okayama University) and Masafumi Sugimura (Okayama University) Limits of the Burnside rings and their relations, [slide] |
14:40-15:30 | Krzysztof Pawalowski (Adam Mickiewicz University) Smooth actions on complex projective spaces, [slide] a related link 1, Existence of a complex structure on the 6-sphere a related link 2, The non-existent complex 6-sphere |
Organizers: | Shintaro Kuroki (Okayama University of Science) email: kuroki[at]xmath.ous.ac.jp |
Yasuzo Nishimura (Fukui University) email: nyasuzo[at]hkg.odn.ne.jp |