RIMS Symosium(Open)

RIMS Workshop
Analysis of inverse problems through partial differential equations and related topics

Japanese site is HERE.


Date : January 8th, 2020 (Wed) - January 10th, 2020 (Fri)

Place : Room 420 (4th floor), Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University

Organizer : Kazumi Tanuma (Gunma University, Japan)

Program (PDF version is HERE)

You can download the abstract by clicking the title of talk.

January 8th (Wed)

January 9th (Thu)

January 10th (Fri)

If you are interested in this conference, please contact the organizer.

We are planning the Banquet on the evening of January 9th.  If you have a plan to attend the Banquet, please contact  Prof. Fujiwara (Kyoto University) before January 6th.


This workshop is supported partly by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)19K03559 (principal investigator: Kazumi Tanuma (Gunma University)),
and JSPS and RFBR under the Japan - Russia Research Cooperative Program (project No. J19-721).
